经常看见澳洲的车牌下面有一行字, 上有所属州的花名. 比如昆士兰就叫阳光之州. 看来有趣, 在网上搜索一把, 发现wiki上有详细的记录.
- The First State, 澳洲第一州
- The Premier State, 澳洲首要州
- Towards 2000, 奔向2000. 不过悉尼奥运会早就过了, 现在岂不是向回过了?
- Queensland
- The Sunshine State, 阳光之州. 拥有黄金海岸, 自然阳光万里.
- “Smart State”
- Beautiful one day perfect the next
- Canberra
- The Heart of Australia, 澳洲的心脏
- Nation’s Capital
- Victoria
- Garden State 花园之州. 估计是因为比较南, 雨水比较多
- The Place to Be
- On the Move
- Western Australia
- The Real Thing
- Golden State 当年的淘金热
- State of Excitement
- Be touched by nature
- South Australia
- Festival State
- Better by Bike
- The Wine State
- Tasmania
- Apple Isle
- Holiday Isle
- Natural State
- Explore the Possibilities
- Northern Territory
- Outback Australia 不毛之地